As daily life on modern cities, becomes more difficult, distance of the tutoring center from the permanent residence is undoubtedly a key factor for every parent. It is important that the student can move back and forth the tutoring center unaccompanied and that the parent does not need to restructure his / her own work schedule so that his / her daily life is better synchronized. However, there are many parents throughout the Territory who either have few such options near them, or options that do not satisfy them. That’s why Gotoclass constitutes the most effective solution as students from all over the world gain access to an highly organized education center with top teachers and unique tailored learning plans. Join us now and take advantage of this unique digital learning experience which will enhance your effort to succeed at the university of your dreams. Reach your goals easily in the comfort of your home.
Good note taking can be very difficult because we naturally reach for a process that makes it so. There are many times that students get lost in the hardcopy notes they receive as well as in the notes they keep in their notebook during the lesson. They will also find it difficult to pinpoint the specific information they need or the tasks they will need to prepare for the next lesson. However, Gotoclass digital classroom, provides the educational material of each course, the notes and the required information accurately recorded and organized in a structured and educationally oriented way for effective learning. Students can recall notes of the last lesson or any other that has preceded. At the same time students have access to teacher’s digital whiteboard so they can review the notes and prevent learning incorrect facts from an disorganized notebook. Extensive experience and technological excellence in Gotoclass are combined to ensure that every student learn how to properly prepare for the upcoming exams, and finally achieve their goals by utilizing the precise information provided by an effective note – taking process.
The public education system we currently know has been around for more than 30 years. However, the basic schooling model remains the same. Students are stuffed into a classroom and taught by one teacher in a standardized and industrialized way. The lack of choices in educational media, in a world of rapid change and intense pace, tends to tire students who lose interest because they are accustomed to a rapid change of representations, images and stimuli. In contrast, online lesson provides teachers a variety of educational tools that are designed to pique the interest of even the most demanding student and thus to overcome any limitations setted by an outdated education system. 3D shapes with movement, educational videos and interactive presentations provided to students easy and instantaneous with just one click from the teacher. As long as the goal of scientific educational approaches is to use media that speak to the hearts of the younger generations and transform the learning process into a pleasant and interesting event we deliver a unique learning experience by utilizing the significant capabilities of the digitgal classroom.
Online learning will not only help students to achieve their educational goals but also can help them gain new skills that will be beneficial when embarking on a new career. Apart from the cognitive adequacy of the syllabus and success on their exam objectives, our students get acquintanted with the use of technology. The online course is an important opportunity for students to become familiar with tools that they do not use particularly but are very likely to need them later in professional life (teleconferences, conferences, presentations, speeches, digital events, online meetings). In addition to postgraduate degrees (bachelor’s and master’s), a distinct trend in the global labor market, is the acquisition of certificates on digital and technological parchments that are taught, examined and awarded in an online environment of modern and asynchronous education. Gotoclass graduates then understand how all the resources of the education platform work and thus make the most of it, while being a participant in the virtual classroom.
Adolescence is a unique stage of human development and an important time for laying the foundations of good health. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth and at the same time identify their inclinations and set their learning goals. Τhe constanly increase of the extracurricular activities (foreign languages, sports, musical instruments) over the last forty years has led to an overloaded program without any free time. Unfortunately this does not have a positive impact on students, who experience stressful situations in trying to keep up with their hectic daily schedule and adjust to a more demanding school environment. However, in the digital environment the student is literally a “click” away from the classroom and its scheduled lesson. He does not have to think about how much time he needs to walk, if it is raining outside, what time the bus passes, if he will be late for class, or if his parent who has just finished work will be able to take him to tutoring. The convenience of Gotoclass digital classroom allows each student to focus on substantial and continuous improvement of their learning performance, while at the same time working beneficially in developing a balanced program.
Gotoclass digital platform eliminates any geographichal constraints and offers direct connection to all intrested parties. In other words, it provides a communication channel in which students, parents and teachers can interact directly to resolve with zero effort any issue. This immediacy increases the effectiveness of the educational process as valuable time is not lost in order to have a meaningful communication.
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